Pinanour kennel logo We have been working with the breed since 2007


Kennel Norwich Terriers

The Pinanoir kennel was registered with the RKF in 2010, although in fact I got my first Norwich in 2007.

My first breed is a Doberman. I have been doing them since 1986. It was hard for me to imagine that I could ever fall in love with a dog of another breed, especially such a small one.

I got my first Norwich Terrier dog by accident. It was an adult, six-year-old red-haired girl. Her former owner could not care for her due to life circumstances.

Quite unexpectedly for myself, I realized that this dog embodies all the qualities of large breed dogs: intelligence, responsiveness, cheerfulness, devotion to the owner, and at the same time is absolutely not aggressive towards the people and animals around it. Which is very convenient for living in the city.

In Norwich I found all the qualities that I was used to, but at the same time it was a small dog.

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Date of birth 01 sept 2023
Gender Female
Color Red
Status For sale

The first paragraph of free text is about a puppy. Continuation of the first paragraph.

Second paragraph. A few more sentences.



Date of birth 01 sept 2023
Gender Female
Color Red

The first paragraph of free text is about a puppy. Continuation of the first paragraph.

Second paragraph. A few more sentences.

Russtically's Spring Flower (Holland)

Russtically's Spring Flower (Holland)

Date of birth 30 aug 2007
Gender Female
Color Black & Tan
  • Russian Champion
  • Russian Kynological Federation Champion

Watch all the puppies  >>


The Norwich Terrier is a small, active and very intelligent dog that will make an excellent pet. Here are some reasons why you should choose this particular breed:

  • Compact size:

    Norwich is ideal for living in an apartment or house: they do not take up much space and do not require a lot of space for walking.

  • Friendliness:

    Norwich Terriers get along well with other animals and people. They love to be the center of attention and are always ready to communicate with their owners.

  • Good health:

    Norwich people are in good health and rarely suffer from genetic diseases. With proper care and nutrition, they can live a long and happy life.

  • Appearance:

    Norwich and have a beautiful and unique appearance, which makes them very popular among dog lovers. Their short, stiff coat is easy to care for and does not shed.

  • Activity:

    Norwich Terriers are energetic and love active games. They are great for families with children, because they like to spend time playing.

  • Mind:

    These dogs are very smart and trainable: they understand commands quickly and easily learn new tricks.


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Kennel news

27.10.2024 Results dog show PINANOIR Zherom K Dzerom

27.10.2024 Results dog show PINANOIR Zherom K Dzerom

Results of Dog Show: SRO SOKLOS Okhota (Smolensk), expert Ermishov A.P.

Best Beby of Breed.

Many thanks to Zherom’s owner for the photo!

2024.07.19. Norwich Terrier puppies are black and tan on sale.

2024.07.19. Norwich Terrier puppies are black and tan on sale.

Norwich Terrier puppies are on sale . Date of birth 12.06.2024. Three males. The color is black and tan.

22.06.2024 Results dog show PINANOIR Elana

22.06.2024 Results dog show PINANOIR Elana

Results of Dog Show: KKK SSS CHAMPION (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), expert Mordvinova T.A.

Best Junior of Breed, Best in Show Junior - BIS-4.

Many thanks to Lana’s owner for the photo!

2023.12.16. Norwich Terrier PINANOIR Elana

2023.12.16. Norwich Terrier PINANOIR Elana

Yelana's owners sent a photo; she survived the flight to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky very well and adapted to her new home.

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Our Champions

There are no random dogs in the kennel.

We carefully select pairs and leave only the best puppies with an interesting set of bloodlines.

Our first dogs were brought from abroad.

All dogs of the kennel are exhibited at exhibitions and have titles.


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